まま (mama) Meaning Japanese Grammar - As It Is
Anna Baffa Volpe
Get in touch with meThe term まま (mama
) means as it is and refers to the current state of things, without changing.
It is used to express something as it is and also a lack of change.
In this post we learn more about the meaning of まま and ままに, how they are formed, and when they are used through real example sentences.
How まま is formed
まま is a suffix and you can find combined with verbs, nouns or adjectives as follows:
In the case of the verb, it is generally used the past form. まま has its own kanji 儘, but it is more common the writing in katakana.
I want to stay young forever.
The iron is still hot.
How ad when まま is used
まま refers to things that remain in a state, that keep the same and leave unchanged.
Demonstrative adjective with まま
A very common use of this term is in combination of the so-called kosoado series: the Japanese demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.
- このまま
kono mama
like this - そのまま
sono mama
just like that, that way - あのまま
ano mama
just like that, that way
Please wait without hanging up the phone.
Go straight ahead.
The demonstrative is often obmitted in the translation that would be: Go straight ahead this way.
Don't give up! If you keep studying like this, you will succeed in the end.
Can I use this as is?
I left it as it was.
We can find the term まま followed by the particle に that turns the noun into an adverb.
ままに is synonym of 〜とおりに or 〜にしたがって that means according to...
Babies act on instinct.
I will be at your will.
From the Internet
生のまま nama no mama
: 生 is a noun in Japanese meaning raw, uncooked, fresh and it is followed by the particle の

Vegetables that can be frozen raw and vegetables that cannot be frozen
Examples with まま and ままに
The museum has been closed for five years.
The meaning of the sentence is that the Museum is still closed today.
Don't talk with your mouth full!
An old castle, the castle as it used to be
I draw what I feel like drawing.
In this sentence it has been used the verb in the present tense and ままに* in the meaning of according to...
気が向く or 気の向く is an expression that uses the word and concept 気 ki
(energy, nature, mood, disposition) and means: to feel like; to feel inclined to do, as I please to.
People no longer want to live according to their hearts.
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