てごらん (Te goran) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Please Try To Do
Anna Baffa Volpe
Get in touch with meThe expression てごらん (te goran
) means try to do it
, please try to
, please do
It is an imperative expression in polite form and the meaning is that of てみる: try to do
Let's look at the meaning and usage of てごらんい and てごらんなさい, another common form in the daily conversation in Japan.
How てごらん is formed
The kanji transcription of てごらん is てご覧.
The structure is formed by:
「~てみる」と同じく「試す」という意味を表します. It means try to like ~temiru.

Touch it. It's wool!
てごらん as an invitation to do something
The form てご覧 is used with the meaning of てみる try to do
「てごらん」 is a polite form and is used to encourage our interlocutor to do something.
It is an imperative expression and is also used to give an order, so it is not appropriate towards superiors.
It is used, for example, by parents towards their children.
Give it a try and eat!
Try it again one more time.
てごらんなさい Imperative Form
The structure てごらん followed by なさい is stronger than てごらん and gives more emphasis to what we are asking.
You can definitely do it, so please try it once!
This song is beautiful. Listen!
Honorific forms of 見る
The forms of kindness have different levels and the use of the various expressions depends on our interlocutor and on the context. The imperative form 見なさい in its variants of the Keigo:
ご覧なさい: it is a light imperative used towards peers, not towards superiors
ご覧下さい: is a form that expresses more courtesy than the use of なさい, but is not recommended towards superiors
ご覧下さいませ or ご覧になって下さい: are the appropriate forms towards 上司
one's superior
,one's boss
or towards 目上の人superiors
,senior persons
, towards customers and in formal contexts.During an
展示会 the staff person could say to visitors:
Please take your time and have a look.
In a formal business email, we can write:
Please see the attached document for details.
An upper level of the same structure using Keigo is ご覧頂く. We have studied in another post the various forms of the verb receive
: もらう towards peers, in the uchi context, and いただく in the soto context, towards superiors or people one does not know.
Did you take a look at the materials I sent you the other day?
Double Keigo: is it correct?
Here is a sentence of common use in a conversation using Honorific Language. 「ご覧になられましたか?。」 In this sentence we find 二重敬語 the double Keigo represented by:
ご覧になる honorific form of 見る
なられる: passive form of なる
with honorific useThe intention is to create an extremely polite expression to ask: Did you have a look?
It is not actually used and the correct forms are:
Examples of てごらん
Go ahead and do it as you think.

Look at nature this way!
Look at that! There's a rainbow in the sky.
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