
なさそう (nasa sō) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Does Not Look

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'なさそう (nasa sō) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Does Not Look'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The structure なさそう (nasa sō) means does not look, does not seem like or seem unlikely to.

It is used with the plain negative form, so I think it is also an opportunity to review the ない form.

How なさそう is formed

We can use this structure with nouns, adjectives and verbs.

In the case of the verbs various forms are used combined with なさそう.

Adjective in い without い+くなさそう
Adjective in な without な+じゃなさそう
Verb ない form without い+なさそう

How and when なさそう is used

なさそう is the negative form of そう and they refer to something that looks or doesn't look in a certain way, which we intuitively feel after seeing or hearing about it.

なさそう with Adjectives

In the case of the Adjectives ending in い, let's remember to remove the vowel い at the end of the word.



This ramen does not look so spicy.


This sweet doesn’t look tasty.

The adjective (よい) becomes ()く+なさそう


You don't look very well.

The Adjectives in な function like nouns, so the term is used without the kana な.



That person doesn't seem very kind, does he?

なさそう with Nouns


He doesn't seem like a bad person.


That doesn't seem to be homemade.

()()(せい) is translated as adjective homemade; in Japanese, it has the function of noun.

なさそう with Verbs

We use the structure with the plain negative form but it is very common the form expressing desire by the suffix たい in the negative たくない.


He doesn't seem he will go

Let's consider now the form with the suffix たくない: don't / doesn't want to

  • ()きたくない don't / doesn't want to go

From a post about Cat Behaviors:

猫, cats


It's cute the image of the cat that doesn't seem he wants to go.

Other examples:


It seems like that team is not going to win this year again.


He doesn’t seem like he would study.


It seems like they are not worried.


She doesn't seem to come to party.

The verb ある that means there is / are, has its negative form as ない there isn't / aren/t and becomes なさそう.


There seems to be no need to hurry.

なさそう in the past

The past tense is expressed by the past form of the copula だ / です which becomes だった / でした.


She did not seem interested.

なさそうな and なさそうに

なさそう can be followed:

  • by the kana which turns the expression into an adjective followed by a noun or
  • by the particle to obtain the adverb followed by a verb


She did not seem interested.

(よう)() yōsu is the noun meaning situation, state, behaviour Letterally: It was a behaviour through which she didn't seem to show interest. (ひと)(とく)(ちょう): Characteristics of people



Characteristics of people who seem to have no worries – Why do they think that? What are the causes?


We will exclude those things that do not seem to be useful.

(もの) mono indicates a thing, an object, an article or a property depending on the context. (にん)(げん)(かん)(けい) Human Relationships

健全な人間関係: Healthy Relationships


The other person doesn't look like to enjoy. Who is responsible for this? Healthy Relationships

A hypothetical situation:


Imagine, for example, a situation where you are talking in a café with a friend you haven't seen in a while. It looks like the other person isn't having fun. How would you feel?

  • Other sentences with the function of adverbs:


He seems unmotivated.


They sound completely uninterested.