どんなに~ても (Donna ni ... te mo) Meaning Japanese Grammar - No Matter How
Anna Baffa Volpe
Get in touch with meThe expression どんなに~ても (Donna ni ... te mo
) means no matter how
, no matter how much
It is a structure that is used with the て form of the verb and the form becomes どんなに~ても or どんなに~でも depending on the verb used.
In this post we learn more about the meaning of どんなに~ても and でも, how it is formed and when どんなに~ても is used through commonly used sentences and material from the Internet.
How どんなに~ても is formed
The structure どんなに~ても is used with verbs, adjectives and nouns.
- どんな belongs to the Kosoado series of the Demonstratives and means
What kind of?
and in some casesHow?
- どんなに combined with the ても form is translated as
no matter how (much)
Some examples of verbs in the form ても / でも:
- 食べる
⇨ どんなに食べても: No matter how much you eat ... - 頑張る
do my best
,work hard
⇨ どんなに頑張っても: No matter how hard you try ... - 読む
⇨ どんなに読んでも: No matter how much you read ... - 勉強する
⇨ どんなに勉強しても: No matter how hard you study...
どんなに~ても followed by a negative sentence
The structure using どんなに+ても is usually followed by a sentence in the negative form. It is used in situations expressing lackingness
, insufficiency
No matter how hard one tries or perseveres to do a certain thing (phrase 1 with どんなにても), it will never be enough to achieve the desired goal (phrase 2 in the negative form).
No matter how much you regret it, the past will not change.
In sentence 2 we can also find the affirmative form, but it still refers to a situation that expresses a sense of insufficiency to something that is not enough.
No matter how hard I try, this task will take more than an hour.
どんなに is replaced by いくら in colloquial context
No matter how much I talk, he won’t understand.

No matter how much you eat, you won't gain weight! 15 miracle foods.
選 is a numeric suffix to count choices, options, selections in this case of food.
I can't remember that person's name no matter how many times I hear it.
A Japanese explanation of the use of the structure どんなに~ても:
It uses a verb expressing a volitional action and it means that it does not work as expected, even if you try to do this or that.
どんなに~ても with Adjectives
The structure is also commonly used with the Adjectives in い and in な.
Example with the adjective 早い soon
, early
It will take two hours at the earliest.
The Adjectives in い lose the vowel い and add the adverbial suffix く + ても.
The Adjectives in な behave like nouns, they lose the な syllable and are joined to でも. With Nouns and Adjectives in な we can find であっても from the copula be である used in the middle of the sentence, while だ / です are placed at the end.
- 親切な:
⇨ どんなに親切でも no matter how kind ... - 平凡な
⇨ どんなに平凡であっても no matter how ordinary ...
どんなに~でも with Nouns
In the case of nouns as well as the adjectives in な, the form becomes:
どんなに + noun + でも or であっても.

No matter how painful today is, it's up to you to be able to laugh tomorrow.
自分 jibun means myself, yourself, oneself
Other examples of どんなに~ても

No matter how hard I try, it doesn't pay off? Characteristics of people whose work is not going well and 5 strategies.
I’ve started learning to play the guitar but I’m not getting any better at all, no matter how much I practice.
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