ちがう (chigau) Meaning Japanese Grammar - No
Anna Baffa Volpe
Get in touch with meThe verb ちがう (chigau
) is in the dictionary form and means be different
, be wrong
, be incorrect
, vary
We'll see in this post various examples of ちがう in its original meaning and also in everyday conversation, particularly telephone conversation where it takes on the meaning of No
, it's wrong
ちがう in negative answers
The Kanji of this verb is 違う and its polite form 違います. It is used in the affirmative form, but with a negative meaning.
In everyday informal and confidential conversation it is often heard 違う to express a negation and is often combined with いいえ No
. The meaning of ちがう using another form is そうではない.
Is this your bag?
No, mine is that one over there!
On the phone:
Hello, is this Yamada san?
No, it's not.
ちがう: it is wrong
The verb ちがう has affirmative form, but the nuance of meaning is negative.
We can translate the verb as being different
, being dissimilar
, being wrong
, being false
and in the latter cases it is synonymous with 間違っている。
Degrees of diversity
ちがう as a verb and can be preceded by an adverb, we see 3 cases expressing a different degrees of diversity
- 全然違う
completely / totally different
, - とても違う
very / quite different
, - 少し違う
slightly different
My sister is completely different from me.
The verb ちがう is preceded by the particle と: differ from.
Keiko is different than usual.
によって違う: depending on
A common usage of the verb 違う follows the structure:
and its translation is:
- A changes depending on B;
- the variation of A depends on the variation of B,
- A depends on B.
Do bus ticket prices vary depending on the time of day?
Personalities differ from person to person.
Titles of articles published on the Internet:

What colour is the wardrobe? The color differs depending on the person...

Is it called differently depending on the region!? What do you call it?
In this last title we find an interesting structure: verbal base + 方 kata: how to do something
, the way of doing something
. ...
Examples of ちがう
Here is the title of a recent Japanese film in its literal translation.

Strange lovers from a different planet
We went to different high schools and different universities.
Example with the synonym 間違う in the form ている, past tense ていた.
I was wrong.
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