
ないでください (naide kudasai) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Please Do Not Do

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'ないでください (naide kudasai) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Please Do Not Do'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The expression ないでください (naide kudasai) means please don't and is a polite imperative form used to express prohibitions, instructions, advices and recommendations.

Using ないでください we ask a person not to perform a certain action and is the contrary of てください.

In this post we learn more about the meaning of ないでください, how it is formed, and when ないでください is used through real example sentences.

How to form ないでください

This form consists of:

  • ないで which is the te form of the auxiliary verb ない with the meaning of negation
  • ください is one of the verbs of the series giving and receiving, used in polite requests

In the case of Ichidan verbs we have the structure:

Ichidan Verb without る+ないでください


Please don't forget.

With the Godan verbs we have the form:

Godan Verb in B1 or Base ending in あ+ないでください


Please don't go.

The basic structure is formed by てください and its negative form is ないでください.


Please come!


Please don't come!

ないでください to express instructions, requests and advices

ないでください is used on all occasions when we politely ask the other person not to do a certain thing.

Using this structure in brief:

  • ()() we give an indication or an instruction
  • ()(らい) we make a request
  • (すす)め we give an advice

In colloquial and informal language, it is simply used ないで.

Let's see an example of ないでください and the Ichidan Verb (しん)じる believe in, have faith in.


Don't trust him.

In an informal and confidential context, we find ないで followed by the exclamative particle ね.


Don't tell anyone.


Please do not overdo.

  • ()()な is an adjective in な meaning impossible, inconceivable
  • ()()する is the verb that is translated as overexert, attempt the impossible

ないでください used in case of warnings and precautions

The term to express precautions, warnings or attention is:

  • (ちゅう)() and
  • (ちゅう)()する is the verb be cautious, be careful


Please do not use flash in this museum.



Please do not touch the items exhibited in this venue.



Yes, I understood.

ないでください as form of prohibition

The form ないでください is also used in the nuance of prohibition.

Please do not put objects here.
(きん)():prohibition, ban


Please do not put objects here.

Examples of ないでください


Don't worry about it.

()にする: care about, worry; in the affirmative form is one of the expressions using the word and concept of meaning spirit, energy, atmosphere, mood.


Don't lose this ticket as it is very important.