
ふりをする (furi o suru) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Pretend

Author Anna Baffa Volpe for article 'ふりをする (furi o suru) Meaning Japanese Grammar - Pretend'

Anna Baffa Volpe

The expression ふりをする (furi o suru) means pretend, act as if.

The noun ()り of the expression is used in various words such as (ふる)(まい) meaning behaviour, conduct.

In this post we learn more about the meaning of ふりをする, how it is formed and when ふりをする is used through real example sentences.

ふりをする pretend to

This expression is commonly used in Japanese language and the theme that unites all the sentences is the fiction.

Pretending to be someone or doing something.


Pretend to be tough.


Children like to pretend to be adults when they play.

振り付け or 振付 furitsuke is the choreography and 振付師 furitsukeshi the choreographer

How ふりをする is formed

The expression transcribed in kanji is ()りをする and is formed:

  • by the noun ()り which means appearance, behaviour, pretence
  • by the particle を which indicates the object in the sentence
  • and by the verb する do

⇨ make a pretence of

Plain Form of the Verb+ふりをする

Verb in the ている form: composed of the て form + いる:


Pretend to sleep.

Verb in the past tense of the Plain Form using the suffix た:


My dog often pretends to sleep.



He pretends to be a stranger here.

い Adjective+ふりをする


He always pretends to be busy.

な Adjective+ふりをする


He pretends to be serious in public.

ふりのお客様, an occasional customer

ふりの is an adjective and is synonymous with:

  • (いち)()(てき)temporary, transitory
  • (りん)()temporary,provisional, extraordinary

Examples of ふりをする


He pretends to be zealous when his boss is around.


Pretend to have solved the problem.


He's good at pretending to be someone else.